
Showing posts from December, 2024

Do Cigars Help with Sleep? Separating Fact from Fiction

For centuries, cigars have been associated with relaxation, celebration, and moments of reflection . Some enthusiasts believe that the act of smoking a cigar before bedtime can promote calmness and potentially improve sleep. But is there any truth to this claim? To understand the relationship between cigars and sleep, it’s important to explore the physical and psychological effects of smoking cigars and the role of nicotine in the body. The Components of a Cigar and Their Effects Cigars are primarily made from tobacco leaves that have been aged and fermented. Unlike cigarettes, cigars are often smoked for enjoyment rather than nicotine consumption alone. While many cigar smokers don’t inhale deeply, nicotine is still absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth, making its effects unavoidable. Nicotine is a potent stimulant that influences the central nervous system. When consumed, it can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of alertness. These physiological changes ma...